Travel Stories

ENGLAND: Sculpture at Doddington Hall, Lincolnshire

I stayed the night at Doddington Hall, woke to the sound of house martins gurgle-chirping as they circled outside the window, then wandered peacefully through the walled gardens into the curated grounds.

Such a contrast to the evening before, when everything had been bustling – Prosecco glasses chinking in the sunshine, as invited guests, filled with anticipation and armed with exhibition catalogues, meandered from piece to piece exclaiming their delight.

Some favourite pieces for me were Porifera, Opaline Dream, a floatily white and clear glass vessel with a sense of the sea by Roberta Mason, the sleek cold-cast Blackbird Singing by Paul Harvey, and the simple but versatile oxidised steel Lily Pads by Ian Gill.

This popular biennial exhibition curated by Sculpture Events team, David Waghorne and Kate McGovern, showcases over 300 sculptures from 60 local and international artists. So much to see, perfectly placed in a fabulous setting. 

Sculpture at Doddington continues until 08 September 2024. Find out more and plan your visit here.

I was a guest of Doddington Hall and Destination Lincolnshire.

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