The other weekend I went to a bloggers meet up in Cambridge. After being there for a couple of hours and meeting some very lovely ladies, I realised, I’m not really a blogger, I’m just someone with stories to share. Unlike many other people, I don’t want to be Zoella (unless she is like Godzilla, in which case, I do) and I am not really bothered about likes, follows or floppy hats. I’m just happy going about the business of being me.
I came away feeling inspired, and with a party bag, in which I found crisps, a tin of pop (Belvoir Elderflower Presse pop) and some shiny’s, along with lots of smelly things, most of which ended up in the Toiletries Amnesty box!
You see, I’m not very good with beauty products, I like the pretty packaging and the nice smells, but mostly things don’t like me back.
Just the other week my colleague Neil brought me some goat soap and a postcard of a man with a chicken on his head, from Morocco. I’m not sure whether the card belongs in my collection of ‘men holding chickens’ pictures, or ‘men carrying animals in an unusual manner’ postcards. Either way, I’m delighted with it. On the downside, the Argan oil soap has had to be double-bagged and put out in the back hall after giving me an allergy beard. Argan is my kryptonite.
I didn’t realise I would be, but I am still collecting toiletries for the Toiletries Amnesty. It started off with a collection for Winter Comfort, and it has grown and grown into collections of thousands of items, and several different groups, including: Wisbech and March Women and Children’s Refuges, Wisbech Children’s Centres, Wisbech and March Children’s homes, Romsey Mill in Cambridge, CareZone in Peterborough, a church group in Cambridge, and of course, Winter Comfort.
I’m intrigued by the little hand-soaps, all with their different packaging and stories to tell. ‘Glamour and Courtesy’, now that’s a special soap!
Some of the items that have been donated are rather old, as you can see from these photos. You’ve probably gathered that I don’t like waste, and that I do like vintage, so you might not be surprised when I tell you that these retro items have found an alternative home – not with me, but with The Museum of Brands in London!
I find that very pleasing.
I’m still collecting toiletries, so if you have anything to share with people who need these things, please do get in touch. Over the next few weeks I am going to put together a post with information about groups who needs toiletries all across the UK, so we can carry on the Toiletries Amnesty and get more and more people involved.
Thank you all for getting involved, reading this, and spreading the word. I’ll leave you with this lovely and affirming message from Christine, who manages the Refuge centres in Wisbech and March.
‘Great news about more donations, the last ones were fantastic. The women had a great time going through them and picking bits out. It was extremely generous of you all.
If it were not for the kindness of people like yourself and the support you give the women and children would not have those nice little bits to cheer them up at a difficult time. Many of our families arrive with nothing having in many cases left everything behind, so it is so good to be able to give them something nice.
Thank you all once again.’